
This tribute page is where you can publicly remember and celebrate the memories you have of Lou Walsh. Please feel free to post any memories and a photo to celebrate her life.

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Such an amazing beautiful lady

I first met Lou on the 1st big learner relay in Birmingham and continued to follow it throughout the years and was part of the committee for a few years too.

Lou was one of those people that was always there for everyone be it questions, instructor info and personal support.
She was a genuine lovely person and will be greatly missed by all that knew her.
I’m sure you will be shining bright in the sky just as much as you shined bright down here.
May you R.I.P

All my love to Lou’s family and friends and this sad time. Xx

Katrina Gray

Aug 28, 2023
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Pint sized woman with a gallon heart ❤️

Lou I hope your realised what an amazing person who did more for the industry than anyone else. You united the industry and should have been prime minster as you talked more sense than any politician ever did. Your energy and knowledge were amazing and having meet you again on what was now the last BLR fundraiser at goodwood I felt honoured to have known you. I don’t think there’s one ADI on your groups that hasn’t passed because of your help and support. To fill your tiny shoes will be an impossibility and your legacy will live on within the industry. Your memories will live on not only with us but of course with your loving family and husband. RIP with you little one now and thank you from the bottom of my heart that I was allowed to be around in your era of the driving industry. 🖤💕🖤

Stefanie Gibson

Aug 28, 2023
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Our dynamo light 💡

Lou was our Dynamo light. I remember as a child that I had a dynamo light on my bike. It never needed batteries as it powered its light through its motion. It was the strongest light and would guide me in the darkest of nights. Our amazing dynamo light has now gone out and everything seems so dark.

Lou, we will always remember your strong light that guided hundreds and thousands of us up and down country. We thank you so much for your time, for your love, for your smile and for a million things that you have done for our industry. You have left a huge legacy in everything that you have done and this will now live on through all of us together and forever.

You will now be one of the brightest stars in the sky. Rest in Peace our beautiful Lou. Xxxxx

Elaine Frattasi

Aug 28, 2023
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Our dynamo light 💡

Lou was our Dynamo light. I remember as a child that I had a dynamo light on my bike. It never needed batteries as it powered its light through its motion. It was the strongest light and would guide me in the darkest of nights. Our amazing dynamo light has now gone out and everything seems so dark.

Lou, we will always remember your strong light that guided hundreds and thousands of us up and down country. We thank you so much for your time, for your love, for your smile and for a million things that you have done for our industry. You have left a huge legacy in everything that you have done and this will now live on through all of us together and forever.

You will now be one of the brightest stars in the sky. Rest in Peace our beautiful Lou. Xxxxx

Elaine Frattasi

Aug 28, 2023
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Lou – A Truly Inspirational Person

I’m at a loss for words (for those who know me that will come as a shock!).

Lou, you helped me become the instructor and trainer that I am. From my early beginnings, through Go Green and Train the Trainer Workshops you have entertained, inspired and kept me grounded with all your words of wisdom, anecdotes and just being there whenever you were needed!

You will be greatly missed and never forgotten!

RIP Lou 💔

Debbie Toms

Aug 28, 2023
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Truly inspirational amazing lady!

Sincere condolences to Blaine & family & friends. So sad & such a huge loss to everyone who knew you Lou. I really enjoyed all your training & loved the way you delivered it.. so straight forward & I gained a lot of confidence from it. Thank you Lou (& Blaine) for being truly inspirational. One of life’s true gems & a gorgeous human being inside & out. 💜 Xx

Ali Graham

Aug 28, 2023
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One of a kind

I only met Lou once but she was someone that everyone who has met her remembers. She always felt like a friend, even when you have only spoken on the phone or via emails. Lou always had time for everyone, encouraging, helping, making what may have seemed out of reach become attainable.
There are few people in this world that leave a lasting legacy that your wife, mum, daughter, sister, friend has done. She was a massive driving force in our industry, will be greatly missed and never replaced.
My thoughts are with you all at this very difficult time.
We all need to strive to be more like Lou, (glasses included).

Angela Clark

Aug 28, 2023
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She will be sadly missed….🥲

So very heartbreaking,
Words can not express the shock of Lou’s untimely death. She was a wonderful person and I am pleased to have know her from the very first relay. My deepest sympathy to Blaine and all of Lou’s family. ❤️❤️❤️

Rosalind McWhirter

Aug 28, 2023
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Always there to help

I loved what Lou ( and of course Blaine ) done for PDI’s/ADI’s she helped me out and got me thinking in different ways when it comes to teaching .
She will always be a living memory for many instructors far and wide
I was very fortunate to have met Lou and I’m so glad I did

Ian McGivern

Aug 28, 2023
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An extremely sad loss for all

Unfortunately I never got to meet you Lou, however with your kind words of advice, videos and fund raising it always felt we all knew you. Genuinely a sad loss you’re no longer here but you will never be out of the minds and thoughts of THOUSANDS of people for a VERY VERY long time… Sleep Tight Lou

Josh Jarvis

Aug 28, 2023

The Legacy of Lou I will always carry

“Even when you are struggling to believe in yourself, I believe in you”

Adored, respected, loved, admired, a true aspiration I will carry with me in every lesson and a voice I will forever hear in my head.

A true “professional” with the biggest heart

Donna Renwick

Aug 28, 2023
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Uniting an industry throughout the UK

Lou was a force of nature, with a drive as big as her heart. Bringing the driving instructor industry together to do good for each other and a fantastic Charity. With the Big Learner Relay friendships where formed from the furthest corners of the UK. Like this picture taken at lands end. I didn’t we look good in Spots. A truly lovely person that I will miss terribly.

Chris Whitfield

Aug 28, 2023