
This tribute page is where you can publicly remember and celebrate the memories you have of Lou Walsh. Please feel free to post any memories and a photo to celebrate her life.

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Bloody brilliant

When we were at our lowest with training Lou put some brightness and positivity back in our lives.
When training PDIs and having issues, she said well established males in the buisness world don’t like small ladies telling them what to do, true lol.
When I wrote a book I gave Lou a copy as I valued her opinion so much.
BLR saying about my Standards check and the coversation about the cyclist, how fast, riding style etc. She said why doesn’t everyone do this? It’s what you should be saying.
She’s inspired me always to be the best I can be When training PDI’s, don’t be generic, be inspiring.
Train the Trainer, she was in her socks as forgot her shoes lol Blaine to the rescue.
She was just, a brilliant woman
So sorry for your loss as a family xx

Angela Hazell

Aug 28, 2023

A Truly Amazing Lady

I met Lou because of the Big Learner Relay. I was part of the very first relay and have been to almost all of them ever since it began, and even though I left the driver training industry in 2020, Lou remained a friend.
Lou was such a kind and warm human being who always made you feel valued. Her life has been cut tragically short but she has left such a huge legacy behind.
Rest in Peace Louise Walsh ❤️

Wendy O’Kill

Aug 28, 2023

Massively inspiring! What a woman!!!

I was introduced to Lou’s Facebook page by a fellow PDI. I was thrilled when I graduated to the “Green side” and Lou welcomed me there after passing my Part 3. I totally looked up to her. She had fantastic knowledge, empathy and understanding. She was brilliant at motivating and inspiring all of us in this community, all for the good and safety of our Road users. I loved her Facebook posts during COVID – we had daily updates and I think it kept our spirits up! She made me feel like I know her and the family- how inclusive is that?? I especially used to love seeing their dog, Colin, featured in her stories. I had the pleasure of meeting her at a workshop and was in awe of her – to me, she was famous, a celebrity! Then last year, I joined the BLR – how thrilling was that! So, so sad that that was my first one, and to be her last. What an amazing woman! The world won’t be the same without her, but heaven has gained a beautiful Angel. Thank you Lou for everything you did, you certainly made every second count. A legend, you’ll never be forgotten.

Sharon Gay

Aug 28, 2023
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Lou Walsh an angel

Lou, you were an incredible woman and role model, I remember when Stacey and I came to visit for an intensive course preparing for Stacey’s part 3. With your help and guidance she nailed it. You laughed so much at us when we drove past the sea as we were excited to see it. I am still feeling numb that you have gone. Angels are taken early. The whole industry is in mourning and I will be never forget you. My heartfelt sympathy to Blaine, your children and family. You will be missed x

Amanda Hadley

Aug 28, 2023
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Having met Lou on a sc course as extra help was needed by me … so much energy was emanating from a petite lady, so much understanding, empathy and above all knowledge.
An indefatigable drive to change the industry for the best.

Such a hole is left with Lou’s passing.

All of this seems a lot for us to lose… this pales into insignificance when you consider Lou’s family

lois, ellis-briggs

Aug 28, 2023
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Lou, what an inspiration Lady you were!

The whole industry has lost a leading light! You helped and inspired so many PDI’s and ADI’s providing knowledge, support with a common sense approach!
Devastated for the industry, even more so for your family and close friends! My thoughts are with those who knew you personally, especially Blaine, your children and immediate family.


Donna Harding

Aug 28, 2023

A woman of strength, love and integrity.

What can I say that probably hasn’t been said already about this amazing person. I have enjoyed and appreciated every moment I’ve spent with you Lou, you have helped me in more ways than you could ever know. Take your well earned rest now and teach the angels how to drive. With Love and admiration, Alan, your favourite Curry.


Aug 28, 2023

“I’ve had an idea!”

The first time I spoke (messaged) Lou was in reply to her idea of the BLR posted on FB
I knew of Blaine as I’d shared many an hour in my study with him (I used his videos to pass my part 3 lol)
We actually first met on the Chelmsford leg of the 1st ever relay and I was so happy to be asked to lead the 2nd year. Being asked to join the BLR committee was an absolute honour.
Over the last few years I’ve got to know Lou pretty well and always looked forward to the day she would pop out of the back of the lead car with all her bags, wearing the current hoody and an array of head adornments but ALWAYS her Pudsey ears and a smile. She always treated every location with as much enthusiasm as the 1st. We would exchange a few messages each evening of the relay and no sometimes she wasn’t OK, but she never let that show and I’d wake in the morning to a fb post “Who’s ready to relay?” and off she’d go again!
Lou supported me through my last standards check and we often had a chat. I have come to consider Lou a good friend and I like everyone else will miss her dearly. I’d tell you more but “what’s said in the lead car stays in the lead car “ 😂 I’ve made a lot of good friends through Lou and that’s never been more obvious than the last few days where we’ve all been joined in sadness and heart ache but we will continue as friends and she will live on in us.
I’ve loved seeing all her posts on fb whether a poem, a quiz question, an artistic creation or a family party and lately the house.
Lou and her lovely family will forever be in my thoughts 🥰

Rest in peace lovely lady and thank you for being you ❤️💔

Heather Lockwood

Aug 28, 2023
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I was lucky enough to have met Lou at one of her standard check training sessions a few years ago. Her dedication towards helping others was unbelievable.

I remember asking for advice on my part 3, 1st failed attempt. I sent her my test sheet via messenger and Lou replied with a very lengthy message breaking down each competence where I could improve. Why, for payment? NO, because she is a beautiful, kind hearted person who just wanted to help me as a PDI. Amazing!

Taken far too young, we live in a very cruel world at times. Love to all her family and friends 💕 RIP Lou Walsh you’ll be missed by everyone 🙏

Julia Wilkinson

Aug 28, 2023

Thank you for sharing some magical memories Lou…

“Only the good die young” and “God only takes the best roses for his garden”
Two sayings that are so relevant in this case. Lou, I was chuffed to have witnessed the moment you and Blaine started your journey together…at that ADI meeting Blaine organised. I saw that look you gave each other!
I was also honoured to have been asked to be a guest at your wedding. I was hugely saddened to find out that you were no longer with us.
Have to say I am so very distraught that you and Blaine won’t be able to complete your dream of finishing your latest project Button Moon together.
I loved you because you were such an amazing, awesome, warm hearted human being…and it’s a total tragedy that you are no longer here. You will be SO missed…in every aspect of your life…mother, wife, best friend, colleague…
Thank you for asking me to be lead car for the final leg of the Bog Learner Relay at Goodwood last year…such an honour!
I’d also like to send my condolences to your children and friends and family…you will be remembered forever and missed greatly.
Thank you for sharing some wonderful memories with me Lou…the bestest! 🤗💜

Helen Adams

Aug 28, 2023
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A superstar

Lou had the biggest heart in the smallest package ❤️ and was completely dedicated to helping PDI and ADI’s. The driving instructor world, along with anyone else who was fortunate enough to cross paths with her, have lost a legend. My deepest sympathies go out to Blaine and her family


Aug 28, 2023
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Oh Lou!

Lou, what can I say, your loss is beyond devastating, Your contribution to the instructor industry will never be repeated. I had the pleasure of being involved in one of your Workshops and was also fortunate enough for you to be my mentor in 2021. You have made me the instructor I am today. Of course we must not forget your wonderful smile and enigmatic personality. Lou you are an icon that will forever have a place in my heart. X

Catherine Fallon

Aug 28, 2023