
This tribute page is where you can publicly remember and celebrate the memories you have of Lou Walsh. Please feel free to post any memories and a photo to celebrate her life.

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Lou was my inspiration

I became an ADI 4 years ago and I wanted to also help PDI’s. I approached Lou for advice.
Lou was quick to respond and we initially made contact through messenger.
Eventually Lou suggested we meet up over a coffee.
I met Lou and my first thought was wow someone smaller than me lol.
Lou gave me loads of tips and advice that I was so grateful for.
The fact that she did it for the price of a coffee I’ll never forget.
Lou was so friendly, funny, professional, confident, inspiring and just an amazing woman.
I know Lou will leave a huge gap but will also leave her legacy and many memories for many people.
My thoughts are with Blaine, the children and the rest of her family.
I hope Lou is never forgotten.

Louise Berry

Aug 28, 2023

Lou -thank you

The biggest heart in the smallest parcel! Thank you for 10 years of laughter and fun. You changed my life and the driving instructor industry for the better. You are leaving a very big hole behind!

Sue Pusey

Aug 28, 2023
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A beautiful Soul

I was never fortunate enough to meet Lou but I watched many of her videos in the go green instructor training and on you tube. She was my inspiration and now I’m an ADI I strive to be half the woman she was. Lou you will be missed so very much. The industry has lost such a massive star. Love and hugs to your family and Blaine xxxx shine bright in the sky angel xxx

Karen Skidmore

Aug 28, 2023
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Gone too soon. RIP Lou

To Blaine & family. Lou was a giant within the ADI Community and gave back far more than she took. We will always remember the workshops she did for us and she will be missed. Our thoughts are with you at this sad time. From all your friends within Sheffield & District Driving Instructors Association

Sheffield & District Driving Instructors Association

Aug 28, 2023
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We lost a truly driving industry leader

An inspirational, an absolute legend, a mother of her family and of our industry. Fate allowed me to meet you and forever you will say With me. There is no words to describe how much you are missed. You define World in the simplest way by being you Love and REST IN PIECE

Adriano Lecuane

Aug 28, 2023
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Thoughts are with your family at this sad time, RIP you will be missed Lou 🙏❤️

Such sad news, RIP Lou, you will be missed. You were always so supportive and always helped everyone. An inspiration to the driving school industry and BLR Lou Walsh you will not be forgotten. Your memory will live on, you were always so kind and helpful.

You helped myself and colleagues in standards check training for us in the fire service.

You will be missed, my thoughts are with your family 🙏 ❤️

Jason JSM

Aug 28, 2023
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Always a kind word

Dear Lou

You brought people and communities together.
They found belief.
They went past their personal illusions.

You did it with grace.
You were humble.

Sending you love and light

David Poole

Aug 28, 2023

A giant heart

I first heard of Blaine and Lou when I was a PDI and looking for training materials. I then met Lou a couple of years later when my standards check was due. She was so friendly and unbelievably empathetic. I met her several times after that through big learner relay. Despite only meeting me fir minutes she always remembered me by name and hugs. She is a powerhouse and I will miss her greatly. Rest in Peace Lou

Ellis Wood

Aug 28, 2023
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A true inspiration

Lou opened my eyes and taught me to question everything and take nothing for granted. She’ll be a huge loss for many people.

Kerry Trotman

Aug 28, 2023

What a woman!

I still cannot believe I am writing this ..
Lou you meant so much to everyone around you & even others who followed you .
You was a unique person with so much ambition . I remember meeting you at the big learner relay in Leeds , then the following years . Also the relay with myself & Mike both of us was very proud to be leading cars . Also the silverstone race track with Mike & to be part of that massive convoy doing a lap 🏁 I am happy I got to know you & had a glimpse into the life of Lou that was non stop ! I don’t know how you did it . Thank you for the driver trainer support too when you came to Wakefield & we heard your story of how you met Blaine .
Rest in peace Louise & thank you for the memories . Gone but never forgotten x x x x 💎🙏🏻🕯️💖

Beverley Jayne Headington

Aug 28, 2023

Lou was an inspiration to the masses

I first met Lou on BLR 1 or 2 at Ketteing. I was asked by our lead instructor at the time to escort Lou to a local Pizza Hut to use their facilities. Lou, in true Lou fashion, was not going to miss an opportunity to get a donation. Bucket in hand …. you can guess the rest.
At first I couldn’t comprehend her vision. But boy what a vision this Lady had. BLR has got better and better.
August bank holiday 2019 I received a message , completely out of the blue. Asking me to be a lead car on the last of the relay. I was overwhelmed and looked at it as a great honour to be asked by Lou herself. What a day that turned out to be….lead car from Wicksteed Park Kettering, seeing 120 cars in my mirrors on the A14. What a sight. Now I knew what Lou’s vision was.
I continued as part of the relay to the final destination at Leicester Space Centre. On route frantic phone calls from Lou asking me to get to the front. The TV cameras were waiting for us.
I could not believes the masses I was seeing. Interviews done. Lou in her glory.
I met her a few weeks ago at one of her Standards Check Workshops. He knowledge is second to none.
Thank you Lou it has been a great privilege to know you.
Sweet dreams.

Chris Lister

Aug 28, 2023


Lou you was so full of bounce and energy for the industry and BLR which everyone admired and It was a pleasure to have known you. Your videos and posts of life’s mishaps and funny things happening kept us all giggling, mainly because they involved Blaine or you up-to something. When a post popped up in your name we all knew it would be entertaining to watch.
The sea of photos on Facebook have been wonderful to see which just shows you the impact you made on people.
Sending hugs from Mason, me and all my pupils that have met you along the way.
You will be deeply missed by all xx

Kate Fennelly

Aug 28, 2023