
This tribute page is where you can publicly remember and celebrate the memories you have of Lou Walsh. Please feel free to post any memories and a photo to celebrate her life.

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💚Special 💚

They say He only takes the best.
Didn’t get chance to meet you but your words of encouragement will stay with me and spur me on

Thoughts and sending strength to your family and friends
Rest in peace beautiful Lou

Melissa Judd

Aug 28, 2023
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You’ll be missed!

I Met Lou during the last big relay. I drove from Mansfield through to Sheffield, being lead car for the first half. She was a true community hero and her hard work to raise money for charity will be her ever lasting legacy!

Lee Brazier

Aug 28, 2023
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Standing head and shoulders above us all

I first became aware of and met Lou (and Blaine) via zoom as I was training for parts 2 & 3 during the lockdowns. Twice a week, we would log in & see Lou and from the very first, she held our attention. Lou knew her stuff and this was immediately apparent. Not only did she know it, she was keen to impart this knowledge on the rest of us to make us better than when we started. She was an excellent trainer but also a lovely, warm hearted individual.

I met her in person at a Train the Trainer course in her house. It was all very informal, fun but professional. Lou was one of those people I wanted to listen, to learn from her and get to know her. I met her again a few weeks later and there was an instant smile of recognition and genuine warmth.

Lou was a diamond. A true giant of the industry and it’s not surprising that her untimely loss has been deeply felt throughout the industry and throughout the nation.

To her family, Lou was one of the few. A lovely, genuine lady who fought for what was right. A force majeur and one who will be deeply, deeply missed by all who came across her.

Keep moving forward but when you look back, do so with a smile on your face and love in your heart.

Charlie Munns

Aug 28, 2023

A Very Amazing Lady

I was lucky enough to meet Lou (04/11/2018) I was driving the lead car (With my Instructor) for the East Kilbride section of the relay. Such a lovely lady and a great night that will stay with my always.

Frances MacKenzie

Aug 28, 2023
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1 Amazing Lady

I just have to say Lou you are one amazing lady who will never be forgotten. Getting me through those Zooms and helpful videos you and Blaine did are truly life changing. I am pleased I got to say thank you in person as a lead car in the relay last year. Was brilliant all you. My hear goes out to your family and hope your strength passes to them and keeps them smiling as you always did. Will miss you x

Matthew Buckingham

Aug 28, 2023

Awkward Hug

With many others I was totally blown away by the devastating and tragic news of Lou passing. Shock really doesn’t come close.

I’d first met Lou via social media a few years ago, having first asked for some advice and recommendations for instructors in different areas, then following her story through lockdown. I’d also enjoyed following the Walsh family with the Button Moon project. When I actually had the privilege of meeting her it was like meeting an old friend. I hugged her, much to her surprise, but she was very gracious and gave a hug back.

Last year she asked me to lead a convoy for the BLR, of course I said yes, so again I had the pleasure of her company for a short while.

A mother, a wife, a friend, a colleague, a role model and an absolute radiance of energy and enthusiasm. All this, and I only met her twice. That says something about the person she will be remembered as. There are more than me who spent years as a friend, but these are my memories and I will cherish them.

My thoughts will continue to stay with you, Blaine, your family and friends.

Taken too soon. Sleep well Lou.

Damien Matthews

Aug 28, 2023

Having Lou on the backseat of my car was a yearly treat I always looked forward to!!!!!

Such a devastating week. I can’t imagine how Blaine and the family are coping. I always looked forward to the Big Learner Relay and meeting up with Lou on various legs and leading a few. My favourite moment was the “Zombie Sheep” up near Kendal when I took a wrong turn and we went through some more in thick fog at night and all we saw was eyes of sheep looking like zombies….. so at her request I “accidentally” took the same route the next year. Lou was always a joy to see and happy, even when she was absolutely knackered and drained she still slapped on her Lippy and put on a smiling front for everyone and the cameras. She helped to bring a whole Learner community together and for that she will be always remembered! Xxx

John Blackwell

Aug 28, 2023
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It didn’t make sense when i first read about your untimely departure. You helped create an environment which was soo welcoming and helpful and truely

Jay Shergill

Aug 28, 2023
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A very inspiring lady.

In a small frame, a heart so vast,
Lou Walsh, your presence forever will last.
With a smile that calmed nerves, so true,
Inspiring PDI’s, and ADI’s too.

Mentor and guide, you led the way,
Encouraged and taught, night and day.
Thousands of instructors you educated strong,
Your legacy of knowledge forever long.

In the big learner relay, you took a stand,
Uniting ADI’s across the land.
Raising funds for kids, a noble aim,
Your journey’s inspiration, a lasting flame.

Rest now, dear friend, in peaceful reprieve,
Your spirit lives on, in all who believe.
Lou Walsh, your impact will never fade,
In our hearts and memories, you’ve truly made.

Andy webb

Aug 28, 2023
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A truly amazing, inspirational lady

I am so glad to say, I met this truly amazing, inspirational lady, whilst I was lead car 2022 for the Yorkshire region.

I actually drove the lead car with Lou as passenger

She was telling me about the next stage, Lou and her family were about to embark on. What was to become The Button Moon Project..

I was absolutely in awe of Lou, not only because I’d always wanted to meet her but like many others aspire to be like her.

Lou, had a constant zest for life, whether posting on fb about her magnificent family or just having the time, regardless of what hour of the day, to help anyone in need.

I CANT imagine what Blaine, family and friends and of course the BLR family are going through at this horrendous time

Lou, you lovely, lovely lady, you truly are 1 in a trillion

Good night and god bless ❤ ❤

Sharon Pickering

Aug 28, 2023

For such a tiny figure, she will leave behind the biggest footprint………

Today, the world is a little darker. Today we lost a beautiful soul. To all of you have ever sponsored a spot on my car, this wonderful lady was responsible…..
I am utterly heartbroken to hear of the tragic and wholly untimely loss of Lou Walsh. Lou and I have been online friends since we were both PDIs, long before we qualified, long before we were facebook friends, and long before BLR. She stayed at my house on the very first relay and over the years, we have shared many stories, some happy and some sad. Lou had that special ability to make everyone she met, feel more like a friend than an acquaintance, a rare gift indeed.
She was one of the most altruistic, kind, caring and motivated ladies, I have ever had the privilege to meet. Lou has touched so, so many lives during her time……….. For such a tiny figure, she will leave behind the biggest footprint……..
She will be a massive loss to the Instructor Industry,. She touched so many aspects of our industry and helped so many people along the way, not to mention the amount of babies that she delivered as a midwife in her earlier career.
But she will leave an unsurmountable and unfillable hole in the lives of her family. My sincere thoughts are with Blaine, her children, her sister Amy and the rest of her family. I hope there is some small comfort to you all, to know how many lives she touched and how greatly she will be mourned.
One thing is for sure, she will never be forgotten…. Rest in peace, beautiful, irreplaceable….. Lou x

Vikki Holt

Aug 28, 2023
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A woman admired by many…

I genuinely believe Lou (and Blaine) got me though my part 3 and without watching Lou’s videos I’d never have qualified. She gave so much and unfortunately she likely had no idea how much she was appreciated, and how many lives she helped change.
Life is cruel, it’s so unfair.
A wonderful lady who will be missed by so many, such a sad loss!

Sarah Davey

Aug 28, 2023